User types

There are 3 types of user roles:

  1. Public users
  2. Service provider users
  3. Superusers

A user can have multiple roles, you can see the roles of your account by going to the User Settings page.

Public users

Public users can only search the directory, there is no login necessary.

Service provider users

Users with the service provider roles can manage data through the web interface just as basic account users, but they can also upload bulk data about senders. See Uploading a JSON or CSV file for more information.

Additionally, they can generate an API token, and use the API.


Superusers can create additional users to manage Sender data. The sender data created by these users is linked to the superuser account, and can be updated and deleted by all additional users created under this superuser account.

This way, you can have multiple accounts without sharing password data, and you can manage who can update sender data.

The registered service provider account will automatically get superuser status once approved by an administrator.